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All couples find themselves at odds at some point in their relatioship. Couple’s therapy is designed to not only sort through your current relational concerns but also to bring about postive and lasting changes. Its goal is to assist you in developing a more satisfying and meaningful partnership.

A primary focus of couple's therapy is placed on the emotional and interactional dynamics of your relationship and marriage. Couple’s therapy involves such tasks as: clarifying spousal roles, making expectations of one another explicit, sharing personal histories, understanding personal fears and individual triggers of conflict, learning new communication techniques and developing new ways of solving problems. It may also deal with parenting concerns and how you relate to your children.

If your relationship is suffering or simply needs a tune up, let us help. Call today to find out more information about our work or to schedule an appointment.

For Dr. Garrels call (626) 796-5481 or email sgarrels@sbcglobal.net

For Dr. Bustrum call (626) 389-7411 or email jmbustrum@yahoo.com

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